
The Beginning of Everything

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ExistentialQuestions.com is a blog that discusses the nature of our existence and consciousness. We contemplate Energy and Consciousness, Present Reality, The Beginning of Everything and What if?

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As we contemplate our own reality one of the first questions to consider is what was there before the Big Bang.
Let us start with the notion that space and time are real and they exist inherently and regardless of our human consciousness.

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Let us consider a thought experiment. As we look out amongst the stars we are seeing the universe as it used to be. The light from many of the stars that we can observe left their “place” so long ago that by the “time” their light reaches us the…

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As our consciousness began to flourish we humans began to create concepts. This began with elementary principles such as off and on, up and down and so on. Most of these early concepts were observable, practical and based upon rational thought.

ExistentialQuestions.com contemplates the nature of existence and consciousness.

Present Reality

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As humans we have made promising strides in the development of our history.
Consider that we have discovered and/or invented mathematics. Proofs such as pi equaling a circles circumference divided by its diameter (3.14) = pi r squared.

These proofs work well here in our worldly system and our best estimates are that they are “universal”, but if we are unable to test these and other proofs at other far reaching and/or extreme spaces or times then how do we “know” that these proofs are universally true?

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Should providing information that is not readily available or easily known be a goal of our collective human knowledge?

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The very essence of “knowing” or “to know” is to have an awareness either through information and/or observation. But which type of observation is suitable to scientists or society in order to develop a proof?

The scientific method relies on empirical methods of data collection through experiments. The more we can replicate these experiments and get similar results the more “valid” they become.

Energy & Consciousness

Let us start with the assumption that the first law of thermodynamics is true. So, consider this thought experiment. As humans we consume food, which our bodies turn into energy. So, if energy can never be created nor destroyed, when humans die where does our energy go?

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Our Dillema Of Limits

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The Four Forces

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Fabric of Spacetime

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Cognition and Perception

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Question Everything

What If?

What if we have never been alone?

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